Wednesday, August 22, 2007


So, I got called out by a friend earlier for not putting up a message in the past almost two weeks (yeah, you know who you are). So I thought I would make her happy and let her and everyone else know what is going on with me these days. Right now I'm over in Yorktown Virginia (as you should know from my last post) and I've been here for a while. My cat is stuck at home missing me like crazy I'm sure...and probably tearing my house to pieces. And yes, my buddy Brooks is taking a look-see on her every now and then to make sure she's still fat and happy :-) As for me, I do miss home a bit, or I should more accurately say I miss my house a bit. Home, in my opinion, is where your family is, and right now, I'm the only one in the house (other then my fuzzball) and my family and most of my close friends live back in Illinois. What a lonely existance, I know. But, I'm adapting and overcoming. These past few weeks here in Yorktown, while not so much fun because of a sickness that any recent student would know as "Death by PowerPoint", has been a real blast because of the opportunity to be near a bunch of cool people again. I'm not saying the people I live near in Oregon aren't cool...I'm just saying I don't know them and I haven't been able to make friends with them. But the people in my class have been a blast. We've gone out a bunch. Including all you can eat wings at Hooters, Kareoke at a place called the Cactus, watching the Blues Brothers while drinking beer in the common room, or the most famous, watching the Bears beat the Colts in Monday Night Football (I know, preseason) drinking beer and having 5 of us end up leaving the room with no hair on our heads that night :-) It feels kinda funny too...not that I've ever really had a lot of hair, but hey, gotta try something new every now and then!! (maybe I'll throw a pic up of my bald head if I remember when I get back home to OR). Other than that, things have been pretty normal. I flew up to my former Commanding Officer's wedding up in Connecticut last weekend. He works at the Academy now and so he got married on base. First time I've been back there since graduation. It seemed the same, and for any academy grads, yes I still got that pit in my stomach as I got close to campus. The ceremony was nice and the reception afterwards was a lot of fun in the O-club. Gotta love open bar. So all-in-all the weekend was good. And as a random pleasant surprise, on the way up to CT, I ended up making a new friend on my flight! Who could ask for a better weekend :-) So that is where I sit now. Its Wednesday night, and I only have about 6 more class days left till I'm off to Boston to visit Amy and Mike (gotta make sure he is a good guy and takes care of her!) We're actually hoping to catch a Red Sox game when I'm up there...that would be so cool because I haven't been to ball game in forever, and I've never been to Fenway. What fun! So thats about it for me. Like I said, nothing too exciting. Oh yeah, I almost forgot....going back to the point that I was saying about being lonely and not knowing anybody in my town. When I get back from my wonderful trip to VA, I'm signing my papers and joining the volunteer fire department for the town of Warrenton, OR. I figure that it would be a great way to meet a lot of the people in town, do a service to the community, and learn something new :-) So, thats it for now....I think. Well, I can't think of anything else at the moment, and I'm tired so I 'm heading off to bed. Hope all is well for everyone who takes the time to read this post!! Don't forget to smile :-)


Anonymous said...

Marky....Even though you're suffering "death by power point" you still have an interesting life and I must thank your friend for getting you to post about it! ;-)

I'm sorry to hear it is taking a wee bit for you to settle in up in Oregon. Just be patient, time has a way of fixing things. Also I'm so proud of you...joining the Fire Department, you never cease to amaze me! I'm also dying to see a picture of you with a bald head...there better be one hell of a story to go along with it!

I hope you enjoy your time up in the northern half of the country & I look forward to seeing you when you come to the southern half!

Nathan said...

Sounds like a blast, dude. Great idea.

Anonymous said...

WOW!... and I didn't think your hair could GET ANY SHORTER!!!!! hope it's growing back in all the right places ;)