Thursday, August 2, 2007


For those of you who didn't hear, I recently took a little trip to Italy to visit a friend of mine whom I originally met when I was in Flight School. He was an exchange student from Italy over in the US learning to fly planes. Sadly he couldn't become a pilot himself for medical reasons, but he is still an awesome guy! Anyway, I went over there for two weeks to finally see what Europe is all about. Honestly, its awesome. And naturally, that word really doesn't cover it. Riding on airplanes got old after a while (20 hrs of travelling in either direction) especially when my little in-seat entertainment system didn't work on my flight home. Oh well. But other than that (and almost missing my return trip...and having Paolo *#&$-up my memory card) my time in Italy was unbelievable. There is so much history over there that you just don't see in the US. I mean we have our old things like the Declaration of Independence, but we have nothing like the Coloseum. Needless to say I can not wait for a return trip to that side of the world. Honestly, I'm actually hoping to do an exchange with the Royal Navy so I can go live in Great Britain for a few years. (That would really put me close to all those amazing places that I still have to visit!!) As for the pic, starting on the left is Antonio, my friend and host (of which he did an outstanding job putting up with me for two weeks). Then comes Barbara (Antonio's girl) who was always entertaining and tried to keep us boys out of trouble. Then, of course, a very sunburned and silly-grinning me (I do have to say I felt like the tallest person in Italy for most of my trip). And last, is Paolo. A fellow aviator and yet another Italian that I met in Florida who took all three of us in for a weekend so we could go climb mountains and hang out at the beach!

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