Friday, August 3, 2007

HH-60J Jayhawk

For those of you who don't know, this is the aircraft I fly. We call her the "Big Iron" because she is quite powerful and just a joy to fly. On one mission a crew actually fit over 20 survivors in the cabin!! We have three of them up here in Astoria and we are usually pretty busy. During the summer every one goes and plays in the Pacific, and what most people don't know (other than the locals, of course) is that there are very dangerous rip currents in this area. So if you are ever up near here, please be careful in the water, I don't want to have to save you! And if you ever want to know more about the aircraft, or what we do in the Coast Guard, don't hesitate to ask :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark, you Sexy Beast!!! WAY long time, no speak or type! Welcome to the world of "Now it's serious - people are actually depending on me", I suppose. Doing the king's business in the air, I see...just completed my tour doing the king's business at sea. Survived a world-class @$$ of a CO, but managed to garner the support of people in high places, so I got my command recommendation. *whew*
I'm stuck in Anchorage...wx is being cantankerous, thus delaying my arrival to Valdez and the start of my new job (running the VTS and making the tankers behave themselves). While I'll miss being at sea this tour, I do feel like someone took a 110 foot boat and beat me with it for 25 months straight. It's time for a little rest. Actually got colocated with Ryan (he's now CO of Long Island), so I'm looking forward to some great adventures. How's Leslie? Please send her my regards.
So I fell to the dark side...Just like you and Jon Welch. No, I'm not applying to flight school, you damned airdale...I bought a Harley! He's a 2008 Sportster 1200L (low enough that my feet can actually touch the ground, powerful enough that I can smoke just about any other stock Hog out there). I recently completed the Rider's Edge course, and loaded up on PPE (to include the chaps, of course :) Maybe I can call my sweet ride "Little Iron" :D
Well, we'll see if I can stay in touch a little better via this method - good idea, you Brain! Take care, Mark.

Signing Off,
