Sunday, October 14, 2007

Darn Computers....among other things

Hello again. I'm sure you all probably don't remember me since its been so long since you've heard from me. But I'm Mark, the fun-loving guy living up here in the upper Northwest of the US, trying to help others and keep myself out of trouble. But enough about about we talk about my stupid computer. One of the few reasons I haven't posted anything latly. Its decided to give me a hard disk issue. So it just kinda turns itself off every now and then (usually when I'm in the middle of something important). And then of course it doesn't want to start up again. So I might be investing in a new hard drive, unless anyone out there knows what the error code "HD521-2VV" stands for. Alrighty, I know, lame excuse for not putting up a post. I guess I've also been pretty busy lately. Seems like I'm never at home. Actually, I had one of my friends ask me today how many days I've actually been in the office at work in the last six months. I think his guess was 10. So needless to say, I've been around. So lets see what I've been up to. (I had to check my last post to see where I had left off, so I'm back to typing again...not like you even know I was gone). I'm still in training at the fire department, which is going very well. I have to miss it every now and then because of work issues, but I'm still learning a lot. Not to mention I'm putting up with the wonderful people I get to work with ;-) Speaking of work, things are gonna get busier again, even when I thought they were as busy as they could be. I've been enrolled in the First Pilot Syllabus. Which means I'll be studying a lot and flying a lot, trying to upgrade from CoPilot to First Pilot. (more responsibility, and the ability to fly more flights, YIPEE!) Oh, and I'll be gone all this week in Portland participating in an exercise. (even more time I'm away from home) I think that about sums it up for the work stuff On to the personnal side of things. Where to begin? I think I've basically decided to relocate myself onto the "dating around" shelf. Which, if you know me, isn't what I'm normally like. I've always been the "find one person that you see yourself with in the future and settle down" type of guy. So the idea of dating a bunch of girls at once is relatively new to me, but I'm trying it on (even though I have no idea what I'm doing). Hopefully I don't screw things up too badly or get a bunch of girls pissed at me!! So if you have any pointers, please share :-) (or for that matter, if you are interested in going out sometime...let me know) Well, enough about that stuff. I don't think you all want to read about the soap opera that is my life. On a brighter (and more painful) note, I ran a 10K this morning! It was the Great Collumbia Crossing. A 10K that starts in Washington on the North side of the Columbia River, and then we run across the Astoria-Megler bridge (the one you see in the beginning of Goonies when chunk smashes his shake against the window) to the Oregon side. It was a lot of fun and I ran it with my friend Em and a bunch of the people I work with and their wives. So needless to say I am tired and sore. And I think on that note, I am going to head to bed. Cause I have to be up for work tomorrow and then a drive to Portland. I look forward to reading your comments and hearing about what is up with you!! Stay safe


Nathan said...

Good luck with the dating-around thing, brother.

I tried to get that started and already I'm trapped into another mono-e-mono... except I forgot to bring my heart with me. Still, she's too good to not give a chance. What to do...

Does this never get any better?

Anonymous said...

I think it would be really good for you to date around a little. Get out there and meet people, you are really good at that. Dating can be fun (but kinda expensive for the guy) and who knows, your average girl might have a really hot sister! :-) I hope your enjoying the Fire Dept, you'll meet a lot of really good people there too. Who knows maybe you'll meet a really hot Astoria cop! ;-) Be safe Kiddo!