Sunday, October 28, 2007

A little bit of love...

So I'm on the way home from dropping one of my best friends off at the airport. (We've known each other since about 2nd grade and have been through some crazy stuff while growing up). Anyway, I'm on the way home listening to music and just letting my mind wander and I get to thinking about being happy and how I've changed and how my view on the world has changed since I was a bit younger. I should add that part of this thinking came froma discussion that Mike (my friend) and I had the night before about "carpe diem" and things of that nature. But I got to realizing that I've become extremely guarded lately. Not sure if any of that has to do with my fiance leaving me back in May, or if it stems from just getting older, probably a bit of both really. So I was thinking about that and how it really is just a choice that we make as to whether we're going to be happy or not. I think that over the past who knows how long I've started thinking only about myself, becoming selfish, and because of that I've lost the ability to be happy with what I have. I always seem to want something different. And half the time I don't even know what that something is that I want. Sad, I know...but I think its a common thing. And trust me that I am no preacher, but I think the biggest cure for it is love. Not love as in "I'm so in love with you", but Godly love as in the "I'll put you before me" type of love. The kind of selfless love when you look out for others more than you look out for yourself. Obviously you can't forget about yourself, but to show love and caring for others seems to make such a big change in your life. I can't think of a single time when I helped someone out and I didn't feel good about myself afterwards. Even if that person was an ass and wasn't thankful at all, I still felt good about being able to help others. I think its that type of love that is missing in this world these days, and I believe that we should all work harder to revive it. Take a few minutes out of your day, each and every day, to go out of the way to help someone else. Open a door when you don't have to, let some one into your line of traffic when you ordinarily wouldn't, volunteer some of your time at a local help organization to help make a difference for others. Anything you can do to show love to another human will not only make you feel better about yourself, but it may just change someone elses life. Yes, you may never know it, but that shouldn't matter. Obviously what you do is up to you, but for me, I know that I'm going to work a little harder to help others and to become a little bit more selfless in my everyday life.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Couldn't agree more.

I miss our roommate conversations. I hope you're finding good community in Astoria. It's so easy to feel lonely in this world, even surrounded by acquaintances, when all our close friends and family are not nearby to share with. Television, advertisements, and society in general encourage us to fill the void with stuff, excitement, and sex, but instead we find a little makes us want more, or just makes us bored.

I don't have an answer either. I think you're on the right track though, if I could just keep it in mind: think more of others, and just be happy.