Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm back....sort of

Hello all! Well, it's been almost two years since I put up a blog. Yeah, I know, crazy. Not sure why I've gotten back to the site again.
1) Maybe I just wanted to see if it was still active (or if it had been deleted for non-use).
2) Maybe it was that little red reminder in my outlook pane that had been there for well over a year now telling me to "update blog".
3) Maybe its the fact that my life has changed so much in the past two years that I feel its time to update my peeps on how things are.
(the last one is probably the most accurate).
Because of so many changes in my life, I am currently at a position where I am married to an amazing woman who has given me the most beautiful daughter in the world. I know some of you would argue with me on that one, but hey, it's my girl, I can brag about her as much as I want! But, having said that, I know that I have a lot of friends and family scattered across this country and globe that would love to hear about all the new things that Ayla (our adorable little girl) is up to.
So, that being said, I have decided to try (hopefully this time successfully), to keep everyone informed by updating my blog on a more, shall we say, "regular" basis.
To all of you out there that I haven't seen in forever, much love and happiness to you and yours!
PS. I've added a few ads onto the blog. Another possible "revenue source" (yeah, maybe 10 cents probably). But, if they become over bearing or distracting, please let me know, and I'll just get rid of them. Thanks!