Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Off again!

Hey all!
Just wanted to put up a quick update for everyone since I've been reminded by a dear friend of mine that I haven't put up a post in over a month and I guess that makes her worry about me ;-) Anyways here we go:
In the last month I have saved my friend Krista's ass at her restaurant (she owns the little cafe I work at). I think two or three times she's asked me to "Please come work" because there has been a string of emplyees getting sick and not being able to make it to work. Must be a virus, and I'm glad I didn't catch it! I can't give her too much crap though because I made a few extra bucks because of it, and she is also watching my cats..thats right, the word was plural. I recently added a new little feline to my family to keep my other one busy and hopefully get her running around the house so that she can lose a little weight! Cute little bugger too if you ask me :) I've also done quite a bit of flying because I'm working on upgrading to First Pilot. Hopefully I should be finished by the end of the month. Also by the end of the month I hope to be qualified as an entry level firefighter so that I can begin responding to calls. Wow, it actually seems like I was just a little bit busy in the month of February! (probably because it was the first month that I've spent entirely at home since who knows when!)
But I do have to admie that staying at home didn't last very long. As I am writing this, I am looking out the window of a condo on the 25th floor of the Admiral Thomas builing in Downtown Honolulu. How sweet is that? I'm visiting my aunt for a few days (from the 10th to the 19th) and I really can't complain at all. So far I've been to a couple beaches, gone out to the bars, met a girl or two (hey, what happens on vacation, stays on vacation, right?), and enjoyed the sunny and 80 degree weather that almost a constant state here on the islands. I wish you all could join me out here because it really is paradise!
Alright, enough typing, I'm off to enjoy the night life here, and who knows, maybe I'll actually get some sleep one of these nights!
Lots of Love!